Community leaders Met With U.S. Envoy to Yemen

Today, community leaders and activists in Michigan met with the US Special Envoy to Yemen, Mr. Tim Lenderking.

Members of the community discussed the dire humanitarian situation in South Yemen, with the special envoy, and put forward proposals and solutions to end the war in Yemen, and emphasized that returning to two states South Yemen and North Yemen as they were prior to 1990 will bring peace to Yemen and the region. The community leaders also explained that continuing the path of forced unity will only exacerbate the suffering and perpetuate the current conflict. Community leaders also highlighted the efforts and valor of the South Yemen security forces in fighting terrorism by degrading al Qaeda and ISIS presence, that the South Yemen forces with support from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, have been the only force to defeat both the Houthis and other terrorist groups such as AQAP, in the South Yemen provinces.

The community leaders also emphasized the importance of hearing from the people of South Yemen, who have been marginalized and displaced because of the forced Yemen unity.

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